A new milestone for Farmer's Field today -- I was informed by The Husband this afternoon that his office Sad news for those who like to procrastinate at work...computers that are rigged to block fun sites (Facebook, sports sites, Ebay, etc.) have officially disallowed access to my Web site. And no it wasn't a fluke because he got his colleagues (shout out to URS Corp. in Gaithersburg, Md.) who read my site to check too and they were also blocked.
I have to say, while I'm sad this could affect my daily traffic count, this is strangely satisfying. Joining the likes of ESPN.com, CBSsportsline.com and YahooSports.com, Farmer's Field has been deemed as too fun for work one month into its existence.
Now if only I could get fellow University of Maryland alum Scott Van Pelt to be a guest blogger, we'd really be going somewhere. Maybe in another month. I can be patient.