Bailout Or Stimulus? Why Federal Relief For Budget Shortfalls Can Speed Up A Recovery.

Liz Farmer Senior Contributor,


Jul 30, 2020 | 8:00 am EDT

The GOP’s $1 trillion stimulus bill introduced this week avoids a key sticking point with state and local governments struggling under massive revenue shortfalls caused by the coronavirus pandemic. And doing so could prolong the recession.

The Senate’s Health, Economic Assistance, Liability, and Schools (HEALS) Act does not provide any new aid to state and local governments, it merely extends by 90 days the Dec. 31 deadline for using the existing CARES Act money. It does allow some state and local governments to use those funds for budget shortfalls, but only a small percentage of what’s left after other spending requirements are met.

Revenue shortfalls across, state, local and county governments are expected to collectively total around $1 trillion over the next few years.

Conservatives argue that money directly infused into state and local government budgets would amount to a bailout. And it rewards states, like Illinois, who have had problems with balancing budgets even before the pandemic.

“States can and should look to expenditure reforms rather than a federal bailout,” Adam Michel, a Heritage Foundation senior policy analyst said during a webinar Wednesday hosted by Tax Notes.

It’s worth noting that states are required to balance budgets, which is why these shortfalls are unavoidable in a recession. Meanwhile the federal government operates on an annual deficit during good times and bad, with no required spending cuts or tax increases.

Far from a bailout, those who support more aid for state and local governments say it helps prop up the economy until a genuine recovery can take hold. During the Great Recession, Congress provided about $280 billion in aid to state and local governments with most of it concentrated in 2009 and 2010. However, state budget gaps persisted into 2012.

That meant governments were still cutting spending on core services and delaying needed infrastructure investment years into what was supposed to be an economic recovery. For example, notes the Urban Institute, overall public spending per child continued its upward trend during the recession but then declined in the early years of the recovery. At least a dozen states still hadn’t restored their per-pupil funding level by the time this recession started, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP).

The disinvestment in education and infrastructure in particular have economic ripple effects because both are essentially capital investments. Economists have long considered education a “human capital” investment because it plays a role in economic growth. Infrastructure investments create jobs and also spur longer term growth.

“The legacies of the Great Recession’s cuts are still with us today,” said the CBPP’s Michael Leachman during Wednesday’s webinar. “Unless states and other governments receive much more federal aid, they'll lay off more and more teachers and other workers, and cut spending in other ways and that will create future harm on an already weak economy.”

Currently, the $150 billion in CARES Act aid to state and local governments helps with coronavirus expenses but it doesn’t allow state and local governments to use the money for shortfalls. In addition, most local governments have to go through their states to receive any money because only localities with populations larger than 500,000 can apply to the federal government for aid. According to a recent survey conducted by the National League of Cities (NLC), 24 states still haven’t even announced if they plan to distribute Federal Coronavirus Relief Funds to local governments.

These two restrictions have been a huge sticking point for states and localities when it comes to the next round of federal aid. Local government associations have been supportive of the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act (HEROS) Act passed by the House in May, which does provide for $375 billion in direct aid for local governments. But this week they called the Senate proposal “out of touch” and “unworkable.”

“Not only does the HEALS Act fail to provide direct funding beyond the 5% of counties nationwide who were eligible for the CARES Act, the increased flexibility comes with a condition that is unacceptable to urban counties,” said Miami-Dade County Commissioner Sally Heyman in a statement issued by the National Association of Counties.

“Essentially, we would be required to allocate a quarter of our funding to other local governments within our jurisdictions despite the fact that counties are generally responsible for public health.”